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Interstate Stream Commission

Assessment of Flow and Seepage Conditions

Assessment of Flow Conditions and Seepage on the Rio Grande and Adjacent Channels, Isleta to San Marcial

New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission has conducted a program of basic data collection to assess flow and seepage conditions along the Rio Grande. The key objective of this and earlier work was to gain a better understanding of surface water/groundwater interactions. Previous phases of this program focused on the region from San Acacia to Elephant Butte in the Rio Grande and the Low Flow Conveyance Channel (LFCC). This report expands on this body of work by lengthening the study area to include points as far north as the Isleta diversion structure and by including key drains and channels adjacent to the river.

Nabil Shafike
(505) 764-3880 x 126


Figures 1 through 48


Tables 1 through 6